Friday, February 11, 2005

Steel Press still crap, other musings

I had to laugh at some things in the Steel Press today. Firstly, their description of Sheffield's hockey 1's winning 15-0 against Huddersfield "convincing" - I'd love to know of those unconvincing games where you score every five minutes.

Then we've got 3am wannabe and talentless hack Wailo Li exposing the Devonshire Cat as a nice place to drink - "arguably Sheffield's best kept secret" - ahem. One can only hope that the average student is put off by the high prices and doesn't realise that you get what you pay for. The reason it's nice is that it's not full of the dicks that frequent Cavendish and Varsity.

Then we've got Wilkinson claiming "I don't think that these [Juice] tickets are sold on to non-members [of sports clubs]" in response to complaints that the Christmas Juice sold out rather quickly. Let's do some simple maths here. "The guy who was first in the queue [Rugby Union's social sec] bought 160 tickets". When was the last time that anyone saw any sports social attract even 60 members? I wonder where those other 100 tickets go to? Rugby members' mates by any chance?

And as to whoever was making the complaint in the first place, why are you surprised? And why would you want to go to an event which I can best describe as Top B with all the Decadance/Score cognoscenti - ie. shit music with pissed dickheads? Each to their own I guess, but I cannot believe that you couldn't get a ticket. Just stump up the cash to one of the cheaper (sic) sports clubs and buy through them. Not exactly rocket science.

And "hi, I'm Josh from Ed Bram" is getting a bit boring. Clue - if we wanted to hear whatever your society was doing, we'd have paid your extortionate (where does that 18 quid a year go to anyway? Especially seeing how it's not difficult to get Eversheds, Clifford Chance et al to sponsor events) membership fees and got emails. Except that the bloody law department forwards your spam to us anyway. The irony is, today they were trying rather desperately to sell tickets to the Law Ball. Anyone who's been to Warwick and knows of the corresponding event there knows how much of a joke that is.

End rant :-)


Blogger Unknown said...

"Then we've got 3am wannabe and talentless hack Wailo Li exposing the Devonshire Cat as a nice place to drink - "arguably Sheffield's best kept secret" - ahem. One can only hope that the average student is put off by the high prices and doesn't realise that you get what you pay for. The reason it's nice is that it's not full of the dicks that frequent Cavendish and Varsity."

I think Jon should learn, whilst everyone's entitled to their opinions- there is no need to be hurtful about it.

The Lifestyle section is meant to be fun and light hearted- why are you taking it so seriously?

FYI: Devonshire Cat article was by Neil Coils- get your facts right.

25 September 2008 at 20:56  

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