Friday, July 15, 2005

Crap week really...

Here's what's been happening at my end:

- Got exam results, passed the year. Torts cut it fine (42), but the others were safe 2:2's. This year doesn't count towards the degree so that's not too bad, might make some placement hunting a bit awkward but that's not a huge problem.

- Adecco called me in to properly register with them on Wednesday, claiming they had work available, but it was exactly the same as what I'd already rejected, so that's a wasted journey for me.

- Was in Sheffield yesterday. Had an interview for some work around freshers' week... well I say an interview, it was more like four people being told what the job was about and given a ten minute error checking test that wouldn't tax a four year old. So seeing how they're employing primarily on that, it should be OK. Also applied for some work at the library from the start of August, which will be ideal if I can get it. While in Sheffield I picked up the house keys... house is still there which is good, had a couple of pints with those who were about.

- Won the quiz at the Farmers on Monday at an absolute canter, a clear four points ahead of everyone else.

- On Big Brother, they come up with one idea this week that is relatively interesting, only to fuck up the final delivery by letting them know half the story, and leaving them to stew for half an hour before unloading the other half of the "bombshell". Much better would have been to say "the nth person to be evicted is... none of the above, the rest were up, the public have picked x and y, choose between them" before putting them on a phone-a-friend style clock. No leaving them to have a screaming fit for ages.


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