Friday, September 30, 2005

Weakest Link, rockstar

I've been tracking my weakest link play, to see whether I am (as I think) winning, or it's just a leak. This month I'm up 19 quid on 56 games, so the ROI is about 68%. It was at 100%, but this week's been bad and I'm barely breaking even. Random fluctuations of dumb luck I guess.

Rockstar's been reset - not had a chance to fully look into the changes, but it seems like gigging has been made more important, which should add more balance to the game. It's now probably worth owning a solo label as well, seeing how there's two vocalist categories now.

Not much else - a week into the new term, and it's pretty dull stuff early on. Not much being learned, except that there's naturally tons of expensive stuff to buy/print. I'm now 99% certain that if I go on to do an LPC, it won't be at Sheffield, such are the standards at this place.


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